About Us

Courage In Calm

Our Mission

Courage in Calm was founded in August of 2021. The basic goal was to teach young children about physical and mental health. We want to educate young children about these topics so that if they ever encounter a situation that threatens their physical or mental well-being, they know exactly how to protect themselves.
Courage In Calm

The Founder

My name is Arnav Kumarapuram. I am currently a Sophmore studying in Ridge High School in New Jersey. I have been learning Tae Kwon Do since I was 6 years old, and I am a 3rd Dan/Degree black belt in this martial art. I absolutely love watching Formula 1 Racing with my brother and competing in FIFA mobile with him. I also like cooking and playing outside with my friends. Last but not least, I love going to my Tae Kwon Do classes every week. I am currently an instructor and teach younger children this form of self defense. Even without knowing martial arts there are basic techniques which every child can learn. I want to help children learn how to relax their body and mind so that they gather the strength to fight for themselves.
Courage In Calm

What is Self Defense

Self defense can be taught in many different forms of martial arts like Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Kung Fu, and many more. The basic idea of self defense is exactly what it sounds like, learning how to protect yourself and others. What I just told you is only the physical part of self defense, but, there is also a mental part to it. Types of mental threat could include things like being bullied, stress, fear, and low self esteem. Physical and mental courage are both essential for the prosperity of you or someone else.
Courage In Calm

Why Self Defense

I feel that learning self defense is important because you or someone else could be vulnerable and attacked anywhere and anytime, so if this happens you will need to know how to protect yourself from the attack. Also, if you are suffering mentally, you should know how to ignore whatever is bothering you because if you don’t, it could build up a lot of stress and anxiety which may end up resulting in mental depression.